Czech Company

Corporate solutions in Czech Republic

Register a company in Czech Republic with professional assistance. We cover various corporate solutions including accountancy and document preparation.

Taxes in Czech Republic

Taxation of residents and permanent establishments of foreign companies in the Czech Republic is carried out based on worldwide income. Non-residents’ income is taxed only at the source of origin in the Czech Republic.

Residents are business entities registered in the Czech Republic, as well as companies whose management is located in the Czech Republic. Permanent missions are considered to be enterprises with a permanent place of business in the territory of the country.

What are the taxes

There are direct taxes, indirect taxes, and fees in the Czech Republic jurisdiction. Each group has Its own rules and conditions.

Tax rates

The table below provides a list of some of the most frequently encountered tax types along with their corresponding rates.
Tax Tax Rate
Corporate income tax 21%
Personal income tax 15%
Dividend tax 15% – 35%
Capital Gains tax 15% – 23%
Property tax Varies by property type: Land: 0.75% of value; Buildings: CZK 2 to CZK 10 per m²; Business activities: CZK 2 to CZK 5 per m²
Inheritance tax 21%
International tax 15%-35% (WHT)
Cryptocurrency tax 0%-19% (CIT)

Tax system

The taxation system of the Czech Republic is similar to that of other European countries. The following taxes are levied in the Czech Republic: VAT, income tax, real estate tax, road tax, property tax, gift and inheritance tax, excise tax, real estate transfer tax, and tax on environmental protection.

Direct tax

Corporate income tax (corporate income tax), personal income tax, council tax levied by the government on behalf of the communes, property tax, a land tax levied by municipalities independently.

Indirect tax

VAT, excise taxes on fuel, tobacco, alcohol.


Annual registration tax, registration and stamp duties, import duties.

Business requirements

Legal entities are required to register with the tax office at the place of their legal address, private entrepreneurs – at the place of registration in the Czech Republic, within 15 days from the date of obtaining a permit to conduct business.

Business in Czech Republic

Our company provides services for setting up a company in Czech Republic. The specialists of our company have the necessary knowledge, experience and qualifications. We can offer a consultation with taxes in Czech Republic. In addition, we also provide business support, accounting and other services necessary for your business. Our specialists have vast experience in this field of activity. We will be happy to help you successfully open a business in Czech Republic.

Ready for next step

Accelerate your business growth while we take care of everything else.


Tax laws and regulations are continually evolving and can differ depending on personal circumstances. The information given is intended for general guidance and might not represent the latest updates. It is strongly advised to seek the assistance of a qualified tax professional for specific, detailed, and current advice tailored to your situation.

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